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Writing as a Therapeutic Exercise -

Think back to when you were a child. Writing was a crucial part of your daily routine. Whether it was schoolwork, creative projects at home, or mindless journaling; it seemed inevitable to find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper at some point...

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Scott McNamara, Junior Clinical Research Associate at Amwell®
May 17, 2022

Could Digital Solutions Address the Mental Health Needs of Children and Teens?

SilverCloud Research team published a systematic review and meta-analysis on internet-delivered interventions for children and young people (CYP) in JMIR pediatrics.

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Guide: Managing and Reducing Mental Health Waiting Lists

The whitepaper looks at live support models proposed in the Five Year Forward View as well as digital models, such as the SilverCloud® by Amwell® platform, which have been well tested in IAPT services.

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