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How Silvercloud® platform has become a valuable part of the stepped care model in Ireland | SilverCloud by Amwell®

Hannah Farrell, Clinical Operations Supervisor for SilverCloud®, spoke with Dr. Malie Coyne, a Clinical Psychologist (BA MSc DPsychSc) with more than 20 years' experience working in HSE services (predominantly Primary Care). 

The HSE (Health Service Executive) and SilverCloud by Amwell® are working together to provide free access nationwide across Ireland through evidence-based digital mental health and wellbeing support. SilverCloud® online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) platform allows professionals to provide their patients and clients with access to an 8-week supported programme within 24hrs. Online CBT has been shown to have a positive impact on symptoms, whilst reducing the need for face-to-face services.

The clinically proven platform is available via referrals from GPs, Primary Care Psychology, National Counselling Service, and Jigsaw across Ireland. Once referred the user journey is quick and easy, enabling clients to start accessing supports within 24hrs.
Dr. Malie Coyne is a Clinical Psychologist (BA MSc DPsychSc) with more than 20 years' experience working in HSE services (predominantly Primary Care). Malie is also a best-selling Author of ‘Love in, love out: A compassionate approach to parenting your anxious child’, and an Adjunct Lecturer on the University of Galway Doctor of Psychological Science (Clinical Psychology) programme.

Malie started working with SilverCloud by Amwell® as a Clinical Supervisor in July 2022. Since then, Malie and Dr. Corinne Pearson who is also a Clinical Supervisor with SilverCloud by Amwell® continue to build a supported team through supervision and team building.

1. What made you interested in working with an online mental health company?

I was drawn to working with Silvercloud by Amwell® as, having worked in primary care services for many years, I have seen the rising need for accessible education and guided self-help for mental health service users. Psychoeducation and understanding how our mind works is often an integral part of any therapeutic process with a client, hence empowering clients to do this for themselves with the guided help of a trained supporter is an invaluable step in any stepped care model of a mental health service. What drew me to Silvercloud was the opportunity to be a part of a rapidly expanding company, where I could use my client and supervisory expertise to creatively contribute to a high-quality, evidence-based, and ethically driven service.

2. What's your favourite aspect of supervising the supporters?

I absolutely love supervising the team of supporters with my amazing counterpart Dr. Corinne Pearson as I feel we are nurturing a strong team who have all demonstrated the highest levels of compassion and care in their weekly reviews with clients. Given that supporters are carrying this often-challenging work remotely, it is more important than ever for them to know that they can reach out to Corinne or myself with questions as they arise and that we schedule regular group and individual supervision sessions. A particular highlight was recently meeting many of the supporters face to face in the Dublin office, which provided us with an opportunity to feel like we are a 'team' who can support one another in this work and have a few laughs along the way too.

3. SilverCloud by Amwell® provides clinically proven, and evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Can you share your thoughts on the effectiveness of this treatment?

What I love about Silvercloud® platform is that we are a company deeply committed to ongoing research around our effectiveness with various populations. Anecdotally from speaking to clients and the supporters, I have seen the benefits clients have experienced in understanding how their mind works, which offers them a sense of empowerment over their lives. For those clients with more complex issues who require a face-to-face therapy option, the Silvercloud® programme can be used as an add-on psychoeducation tool; however not replace the value of speaking with a qualified therapist. Silvercloud by Amwell® is where the future is in terms of combining technology with mental health education and care.

4. Covid-19 has brought more awareness to Ireland’s Mental Health – Do you believe the SilverCloud® programmes are contributing to helping services?

The Silvercloud® platform is an important part of a good quality stepped model of mental health care in Ireland. It is designed for clients who present with mild to moderate issues and who are in a good place to learn more about the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and to begin to develop practical coping strategies to manage daily. The weekly reviews by psychology/health-qualified supporters are a huge added benefit for the client in guiding and supporting them in their journey. Whilst the Silvercloud® programme is not a replacement for therapy with a qualified therapist, it serves an important role in helping services to reduce their long waiting lists.