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Optimising Clinical Outcomes and Reach with Digital Mental Health

Croydon Talking Therapies IAPT service offers mental health support to a population of around 300,000 people in Croydon.  

Croydon Talking Therapies went live with the SilverCloud solution in October 2016. Their goals for implementing a digital health service were:

“With the SilverCloud solution we were able to extend service reach with an online self-sign-up page, while achieving outcomes averaging 52%.

It provides an easy way of accessing treatment, making it quick for patients to get their first appointment.”




  • Improve access to mental health services with digital health referral pathways
  • Overcome treatment barriers such as stigma, busy schedules, physical location
  • Deliver a digital health service that is effective and easy to use

The SilverCloud Solution included:

  • Implementation planning and support
  • Flexible, digital mental health platform –with self-sign-up option and built in risk management
  • Evidence-based programs for common mental health disorders


An online self-sign up page was introduced in March 2018, to help increase access to mental health services, especially for hard to reach groups such as new mothers, those that find travel to treatment centres difficult or those experiencing stigma around seeking mental health support.

The Results

Better capacity management

Reduced waiting times

Faster Access to Treatment

Easy to access treatment and quick to get a first appointment

Increased Reach

Improved access across hard to reach groups, it has been especially useful for people who find it hard to attend clinics such as new mothers

Quality Clinical Outcomes 
SilverCloud recovery rates exceed national recovery targets

For more detailed information request a copy of the Croydon Case Study