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Youth Wellbeing: Updated Anxiety CYP Programme | SilverCloud Health

We are pleased to announce our new Space from Anxiety programme for teenagers (15+). This is part of our expanding suite of Children and Young Person Programmes (CYP) that can be provided to families, including programmes for young people and parents.

The new Space from Anxiety programme follows the core Cognitive Behavioural Therapy content of our highly effective adult programme with case examples and material adapted to appeal to teenagers. In particular, we have included a new set of worksheets that can personalise the individual's content and provide helpful summaries that can be downloaded or printed off.

Integrated into the programme are three new modules to tackle the particular life challenges that impact the mental health of teenagers nowadays, notably:

  1. Managing Study & Exam Stress: Recognising the significant stress that school and exams place on young people, this module explains how to establish a positive study routine and better handle exam stress.

  2. Getting on With Your Family: The quality of relationships with parents is a key indicator of a teenager’s wellbeing. Yet during the teen years, these relationships can be at times strained and conflictual. This module shows young people how to improve their relationships with family members and skills in managing conflict.

  3. Friends and Social Groups: Social anxiety, isolation, and poor relationships with peers are major factors in teens' poor mental health. This module provides practical tips on reaching out and making friends in new social groups and maintaining ongoing friendships and challenges, such as bullying or social anxiety.

    There are also three newly revised modules that focus on promoting wellbeing and good mental health, notably:

  4. My Self-Esteem and I: Teaching young people to build their confidence and self-esteem and create a new positive self-image.

  5. Sleeping Better: Helping young people overcome barriers to sleep so they can get a deeper and more restful night’s sleep.

  6. Getting Active & Eating Well: Providing practical tips on increasing physical activity and creating new healthy eating habits.

The new Space from Anxiety programme is designed to be used in CAMHS and preventative mental health services with teenagers over 15. (It can be used with a younger age group according to CAMHS protocols and clinical judgment.) It can also be used in parallel with the newly launched Supporting Anxious Teens programme for parents. Indeed, by offering both programmes together, you can increase the effectiveness for families and address the needs of parents and young people at the same time.